Wednesday, August 25, 2004

from a book review in the current issue of The Economist, reviewing "The End of Faith: Religion, Terror and the Future of Reason," by Sam Harris:

"moderation is a self-deluding 'myth' which 'springs from the fact that even the least educated person among us simply knows more about certain matters than anyone did 2,000 years ago -- and much of this knowledge is incompatible with scripture.' In other words, religous moderates (who are certainly the vast majority of the faithful) are forced constantly to reinterpret supposedly immutable revelations of the truth in an attempt to reconcile their faith with their reason.

... only when we renounce the impossible paraphenalia of religion -- for example, the virgin birth (attested to by only two of the apostles) or the ascension of Muhammad to heaven -- will reason be free to rescue mankind from religious terrorism ..."

Buddhism does not have to engage in this struggle (at least not among those who have not imported deities, etc. into their practice). With reason as the touchstone to faith, the Buddhists have no fear of what scientific discovery has told us or might tell us in the future.


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