Tuesday, March 15, 2005

What we need is a good Buddhist bumper sticker. Like me, you probably get a good chuckle from the various Christian messages you see pasted on the rear ends of cars and trucks chugging around town:

"Don't Let The Car Fool You - My Treasure Is In Heaven"

Now this one strikes me as a little smug, and certainly over-confident.

"My Boss is a Jewish Carpenter"

I assume this is a reference to Jesus. Personally I'm a little turned off by such an unapologetic recognition of a higher authority over my person and spiritual destiny. I do like the positive image of a humble manual trade such as carpentry, however.

How about:

"My boss is a 2500 year old Nepalese wandering holy man." Not very catchy.

Not surprisingly, you can actually purchase Buddhist bumper stickers. Here is one that catches my eye:


It beautifully catches a central theme of the Buddhist, while wrapping it in the obligatory patriotism necessary for the U.S. bumper aesthetic (and, no, I don't have any financial stake in above-mentioned bumper sticker).


Blogger They call him James Ure said...

I use to have one on my old car that read, "My other vehicle is the Mahayana." :)

7:58 PM  
Blogger iDharma said...

This one is pretty good:

"BUDDHISTS don't worship the fat guy"


5:44 AM  

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